Friday, September 12, 2008


Vitamin plays a important role in our body,they help in fighing against the infection of disease such as diabetes and most especialy cancer.The fatal effect of these diseases an be prevented through the intake of vitamin and other antioxidant in our diet and through adjusting our way of life.The type of food we eat, the air we breath, the water we drink and are part of our lifestyle.To have a good health, it takes effort and attention.Cancer is caused by free radicals which are oxygen molecules and some other reactive compound that damage the human cells.This radical are produced by pollutant, normal processes ,viruses e.t.c.
The role of antioxidant in the fight against cancer infection cannnot be over emphasize.Antioxidants are substances that protect the body cell from damage caused by the free radicals.Thre are many different kind of antioxidant namely vitamins and food,herbs,minerals etc.below are some of the widely recommended antioxidant that can help prevent cancer by fighting free radicals and flush them out from the body.
1. BETA CAROTENE:This are fat soluble antioxidant which neutralize free radicals and help to cut down the risk of cancer especialy lung cancer,breast cancer.Beta carotene can be found in dark leafy greens such as spinach and kale.It also occur naturally in pumpkin,carrots and red pepper
2. VITAMIN A:Vitamin A is also another type of fat soluble antioxidant.It is a powerful antioxidant with cancer preventing properties that can be found in liver, milk,carrot and sweet potatoes.
3. LUTEIN: Lutein are surface active antioxidant.They polypherol which are photochemical or light absorbing substance which occur naturally and help in plant photosynthsis.These group of antioxidant help in preventing colon cancer and as well encourange good eye health.They can be find in dark red fruits and vegetables.
4. VITAMIN C: Vitamin c are water soluble antioxidant.Vitamin c help in preventing a wide range of cancer from occuring such as cancer of the mouth,throat,cancer of the breast,esopjagus,lung and colon .Vitamin c can be found in citrus,fruit,fish,berries,green tea,herb,olive oil e.t.c..
5. VITAMIN E: Vitamin e like beta carotene are fat soluble antioxidant that help prevent prostate cancer and can be found in green leafy vegetabless,cereals etc.
Examine yourself today and begin to take change of your health.Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits,vegetables,proteins and healthy fat.Always add vitamin supplement to your diet to prevent unwanted unwanted cancer infection.Save yourself from the fatal dealth that is been caused by cancer and live the life you as you have always desire.Post a comment on the articles.

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